Community Health Promotion Hubs

We are pleased to announce the introduction of our new Community Health Promotion Hubs.  Southern Brooks and South Gloucestershire Council will be working alongside the 4PCN and your surgery to deliver these hubs in your local area.  The hubs will be led by Sarah Erskine from Southern Brooks, and will be held at Cadbury Heath Hall and Hanham Community Centre on alternate weeks.

The purpose of the hubs is to promote a healthier lifestyle, improving your mental health and general wellbeing.

The hubs will be informal and informative, with no medical jargon and will be led by the participants.  You will be invited to join in a short movement activity, there will be chance to share your experiences and find out useful information to help you feel motivated to make simple lifestyle changes to benefit your health and wellbeing.  You can do and share as much or as little as you like.

There will be opportunity for discussion about medical conditions and there will be access to blood pressure machines if you would like to use them.  You will receive a booklet where you can make notes and jot down ideas and your achievements.

Places for the hubs are being offered to specific cohorts of patients, meaning patients with certain medical conditions.  You will receive an invite by text or letter if you fall into one of the categories.